Home Tenders

AEE I/TEND/10/2022–2023



AEE I/TEND/10/2022–2023 | Click here for General Tender Documents

Sealed competitive tenders superscripting the name of work are invited from registered contractors of appropriate class of registration in PWD/CPWD for the following works so as to reach the same in the office of the Registrar, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram by Registered post / Speed post not later than 3.30 pm on 09/05/2022. Tenders will be opened at 4.00 pm on 09/05/2022 in the presence of the contractors or their authorized agents. If the tender date is declared as a holiday, they will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. The firm period of tender is 120 days from the date of tender. Submission of tender through courier service will not be accepted. Reputed firms can also quote for item No (2) Air - Condition work.

Sl.No.Name of work with PACEMD Rs.Time of completionCost of documentsDate of submission
1 Department of Psychology at Kariyavattom Campus- Laying Floor Tiles in the HOD’ s Room, Office Room and Room of the Centre for Geriatric Studies.
PAC Rs.1,78,566/-
Click here for Schedule 1
Rs.2,700/- 20 days Rs. 525/- 09/05/2022
Air-Condition work
2 Replacing Three Numbers of 2TR rated Air Conditioners in the Syndicate Room at SH Campus, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram
PAC Rs.2,26,093/-
Click here for Schedule 2
Rs.3,400/- 10 days Rs. 525/- 09/05/2022

General tender documents and tender schedule can be downloaded in A4 size plain paper from the website www.keralauniversity.ac.in . Duly filled up and signed tender schedule along with general tender documents and separate demand drafts towards cost of tender (including G.S.T) and EMD, self attested copy of valid contract license and post qualification details should be sent to the Registrar, University of Kerala,Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram by Registered post/ speed post, so as to reach before the date and time specified.

Separate demand drafts drawn in favour of the Assistant Executive Engineer, Sub Division I, towards the cost of tender form and EMD from any approved bank, should be furnished along with the tender; otherwise the tender will be summarily rejected. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without any reason whatsoever.

Dated: 30.04.2022 Sd/-