The candidates who have qualified the CSIR-UGC test for JRF will be eligible for CSIR fellowships subject to the terms and conditions of CSIR junoir research fellowship. PhD Research Scholars shall forward the request along with the following documents for the acceptance of award letter from CSIR for availing fellowship amount, HRA and contingency grant.
On acceptance of the award letter by Research Scholars, they have to submit the details of Aadhar and bank account.
PhD Research Scholars who are eligible for KSCSTE fellowships shall forward the request along with the following documents for availing fellowship amount, HRA and contingency grant.
The terms and conditions countersigned by the Registrar shall be forwarded to KSCSTE for release of fellowship grant.
PhD Research Scholars who are eligible for INSPIRE fellowships shall forward the request from the HOD concerned along with the following documents for availing endorsement certificate for onward transmission to DST.
In order to avail Inspire scholarships, the scholar has to submit the acceptance letter duly signed by supervisor and Head of the Department concerned along with a request for availing bank details, PFMS registration certificate as envisaged in the DST Inspire fellowship portal. The Acceptance letter is submitted for getting countersigned by Registrar
PhD Research Scholars who are eligible for ICSSR fellowships shall forward the request from the HOD concerned along with the following documents inorder to submit the details viz, Joining report, Undertaking and Grant in aid bill to ICSSR for the release of fellowship grant.
University Merit Scholarship Rules for the Award of University Merit Scholarships for UG and PG courses has been uploaded in the University Website.
Notification will be issued for inviting applications of list of eligible candidates from the Principals of affiliated Colleges/Heads of Departments for the award of UMS. After processing applications provisional list will be prepared and forwarded to colleges for effecting necessary corrections. Finally UO regarding award of UMS will be issued.
Mphil Scholarship same procedure as above(Applicable to Departments and University College)
Central Sector Scholarship Shall be processed through National Scholarship Portal only
The Endowment Awards for the year 2011 and 2012 has been disbursed on 15th July 2019. The awards for the year 2013 to 2018 has to be disbursed by the end of November 2019. The details of endowments and the eligible criteria are attached.